Ashley Murphy Illustration & Design

Non-Commercial Pricing

Prices for Non-Commercial Work

All prices listed are based on the minimum time required to compose a piece of that nature.
Any elements that may lengthen the time necessary to finish the artwork may result in a price increase.
Some elements, such as additional figures, are complicated to calculate and are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Character Art

Base price includes props, magical effects, small on/off accessories like capes and masks, etc. Final artwork includes files with a textured or lightly designed background and optional transparent background. "Outfit change" referenced below refers to a wholly or drastically changed form our outfit.

+$30 per outfit change

Cropped body
+$50 per outfit change

Full body
+$75 per outfit change

Illustration Work

Conceptual work designed to be a cohesive storytelling narrative or symbolism. Prices for this kind of work vary depending on how many narrative elements and figures there are.


Cropped body

Full body