Ashley Murphy Illustration & Design

Non-Commercial Terms of Service

 Terms of Service

The following Terms of Service apply to non-commercial commissions only. For commercial projects, terms will be defined in a contract on an individual basis.

Pricing and Quotes

Listed minimum prices are subject to change without notice.

A quote will be provided once a Commission is presented to the Artist and assessed. Quotes are fixed for 30 days. Quotes not finalized within 30 days of the initial offer are subject to change in line with any minimum price changes that may have occurred.

50% of the finalized quote is required as a deposit within 14 days of agreement. The remaining 50% is to be paid to the Artist upon completion of the Commission. Final deliverables will not be sent to the Client until the full amount is paid.


The Artist will send an invoice for each payment installment via email that is to be paid digitally in USD through Stripe. This portal accepts most debit and credit cards. The Artist does not accept mailed checks, cash, or any currency other than USD. All payments received by the Artist, unless otherwise stated in this Terms of Service, are non-refundable.


The Artist and Client will communicate via email or direct messaging only. The Artist will not arrange a Commission with the Client via social media comments or public forum service.

At any point during the Commission process, if the Artist does not receive a needed reply from the Client within 14 days, the Commission may be put on hold indefinitely or cancelled. If the Commission is cancelled, a refund may be issued if the Commission is still in the drafting stage. Otherwise, all payments made up until the point of cancellation due to non-communication are non-refundable.

All details about Clients are considered confidential. Clients will not be given sensitive information about the Artist's other Clients unless given express written permission by the applicable parties.

The Artist reserves the right to refuse service to any Client for any reason.


Once the terms of payment and timeline are established, the Artist will send periodic updates of the Commission to the Client to ensure quality and accuracy. The Client may request changes during the drafting period only. Each revision made after a final draft has been approved are subject to a revision surcharge of 5% of the commission's full price.

The Artist reserves the right to prioritize Commissions on an as-need basis. Clients will not be serviced on a "first come, first served" basis.


Clients are expected to have their proposal and reference materials prepared ahead of contacting the Artist. Alternatively, the client may give the Artist license to interpret material given as the Artist sees fit.

The Artist will not receive any inquiries regarding pornographic content, fetishistic subjects, or content that is purposefully hateful in nature.

Usage and Rights

For works subject to this Terms of Service, the Artist retains all rights to the Commissioned material, including public/online display, promotional use, and reproduction of the work. The Artist will make no claim to own the characters or subject matter depicted in Commissioned works.

The Client may only display and use the Commissioned work in non-commercial, non-licensed ways, such as icons, non-monetized display, and other personal uses. The Client cannot edit the Commission's content in any way, or submit the Commission for artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) training sets, nor process the artwork through generative models.